Multimix PL

A concentrated premix specifically for layers in rearing period.


Multimix is a concentrated product containing vitamins, minerals, anticoccidials, enzymes, organic acids, amino acids, toxin binders, salt, sodium bicarbonate and DCP in a balanced manner.

Area of Use:

Multimix concentrated premix is used to meet the needs of poultry during pullet period.


  • Its anticoccidial content, prevents
  • Provides complete and proper nutrition with a special formulation for chicks.
  • Provides complete and proper nutrition with a special formulation for pullets.
  •  Its anticoccidial content, prevents and controls of coccidiosis disease.
  • Improves the feed bioavailability by increasing the absorption area of intestinal villa, and stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes due to volatile essential oil content
  • Stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes.
  • Allows preparation of homogeneous feed that contains the same amount of nutrition per gram Due to its vitamin-mineral content in a single mixture, it meets daily needs of the animals.
  • Improves the feed bioavailability, and increases litter quality due to enzyme content
  • Supports bone development due to its specially formulated DCP and essential oil content
  • Prevents the risk of spoilage and toxicity in feed due to antioxidant and organic acid formulation.
  • Improves the flock uniformity.
  • Provides time and labor savings.
  • Prevents errors that may occur in inventory tracking and feed production.
  • Can easily be added to the feed due to balanced formulation
  • With Vimar technical team and support, it provides the best cost effective ration.

Dose of Application:

25 kg/ton feed


In 25 kg kraft packs

Vitamin and Mineral
Vitamin A Calcium
VitaminD3 Phosphorus
Vitamin E Magnesium
Vitamin K Sodium
Vitamin B1 Clor
Vitamin B2 Iron
Vitamin B6 Copper
Vitamin B12 Zinc
Niasin Cobalt
Patotenik asit Iodine
Folik asit Selenium
Biotin Mangan
Vitamin C Choline Chloride


Amino Acids

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